
Install with GIT

The code is hosted on github so the easiest method to perform an initial installation is with git:

git clone

This will create a new subdirectory ShapeMeasurementFisherFormalism containing the latest stable version of the complete package.

Experts who already have a correctly configured github account might prefer this alternative:

git clone

Update with GIT

You can update your local copy of the package at any time using:

cd ShapeMeasurementFisherFormalism
git update

Getting Started

Programs can be run directly from the top-level directory as long as you have the required packages already installed, e.g.:

cd ShapeMeasurementFisherFormalism
python --help

For an introduction to the available programs, see here and for examples of running these programs see here.

Required Packages

The following python packages are required by this package:

Note that numpy is available in recent anaconda or enthought canopy distributions. Installing GalSim is a more involved process, but well worth the effort. The lmfit package is only required if you will be running your own fits using the fitting.